Archdiocesan Safe Environment Program

Archdiocesan Safe Environment Program

Assuring Healthy and Safe Environments for All

The Archdiocese of Atlanta is committed to helping children and young people learn and grow in a healthy and safe environment. St. Oliver's complies with archdiocesan safe environment policies and procedures in accordance with the U.S. Bishop's Charter for the Protention of Children and Young People. Safe Environment programs are in place to assist parents and children--and those whose duties involve contact with minors--in preventing harm to young people.

The Archdiocese of Atlanta proudly offers Safe Environment training materials to all schools and parishes.  VIRTUS Protecting God's Children (commonly referred to as "Virtus") is the training program for adults and children in grades Kingergarten through 12th grade.

We are happy to partner with you in working to keep your dhildren safe. Please visist the Archdiocesan Safe Environment page for information on reporting child abuse.

Volunteer Safe Environment Requirements

The Archdiocese of Atlanta reuires that all adult volunteers (18 years old or older) working with children, youth, and/or vulnerable individuals must complete the Safe Environment Training (VIRTUS) and undergo a background screening before they start volunteering. 

Archdiocese of Atlanta Safe Environment Policies and Procedures

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