What is RCIA?

 The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or RCIA, is a communal process for formal initiation of new members into the Catholic Church. This process is a return to the formation of the earliest members of the Church in the first and second centuries.

We will begin an RCIA series with an informational meeting.. This is an opportunity for adults to look at the teachings of the Catholic Church as they decide to if they want to become members, and also for any adult Catholics that want to complete their Sacraments of Initiation; Holy Eucharist and/or Confirmation. The series of discussions and presentations will be presented in a weekly format concluding at the Easter Vigil.

The first meeting is an informational meeting. Its purpose is to answer specific questions regarding RCIA and to document information about each of the candidates. We meet twice a week. The Sunday meeting begins with the first part of the 11:15 AM Mass. The candidates will listen to the scripture readings of the day along with the homily, and then they will be formally escorted out of church by one of the RCIA team members, as they gather to discuss what they have heard in the Scripture readings and how God spoke to them through the Scripture of the day. We call this “Breaking Open the Word”. This session concludes about the same time that the Mass ends.

We also meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 PM in the JPII Center.

Our team of Catechists have a great deal of experience in helping people fully understand the Catholic Church and how it is a major means in bringing people closer in their relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We look forward to serving you through this process. If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss please contact me at: mchavez@stolivers.com. See the bulletin for class dates.


Deacon Mike Chavez and RCIA Team

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops describes the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults as a process in which participants "undergo…conversion as they study the Gospel, profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the sacraments…The RCIA process follows the ancient practice of the Church and was restored by the Second Vatican Council as the normal way adults prepare for baptism."

Likewise, the language used in the RCIA process is that of the early Church formation programs. Catechumens are those people who are seeking full initiation into the Catholic Church through all of the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Candidates are people who have been baptized in a Christian tradition but are seeking initiation into the Catholic Church through Eucharist and Confirmation.

All are Welcome!

RCIA is a process of study, exploration, faith-sharing, and faith formation with specific liturgical rites for seekers and inquirers. Seekers and inquirers are non-baptized adults who desire to be fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church and/or baptized adult Christians who desire full communion in the Roman Catholic Church.

Adults or older children who have not been baptized and desire to join the Church are invited into the ancient celebration of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. During this process, which is marked by regular ritual acts, participants are introduced to the liturgy, the teachings, and the life of the Catholic Church.

Adults or older children who were baptized in another Christian denomination prepare in a similar way for the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist during their reception into the Catholic Church.

RCIA is a Journey

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process that proceeds over weeks and months. It has several steps:

List of Services


People journeying through the RCIA process need sponsors and community support to help them grow in faith. The RCIA team of sponsors help guide, support and instruct those discerning whether to become members of our Catholic community. Team members share their faith with inquiring adults who are seeking more information about the Catholic Church, many of whom seek to celebrate one or more of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
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