Safe Environment

Safe Environment Requirement for Volunteers

·        Safe Environment compliance is required for ALL clergy, employees & volunteers working with minors and/or vulnerable individuals in keeping with requirements of the Charter for the Protection of Young People. ( protection-children-and-young-people)

·        This is the minimum guideline set forth by the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Pastors may choose to have additional requirements. The archbishop, auxiliary bishops and the Office of Child and Youth Protection support pastors in their decisions regarding additional requirements for Safe Environment compliance.

An individual is defined as Safe Environment compliant when he/she met the following requirements:


1.  Passed a Sterling background check. If you need to verify that your background screening has not expired or if you need to request an initial/renewal screening, please email Anne Adair @ Once the link is emailed from Sterling it must be completed within 7 days. 

2.  Attend a Virtus Protecting God’s Children for Adults in person three-hour training session. For selecting a session to attend Please go to login for selecting a session to attend

3.  For individuals to remain Safe Environment Compliant, at five years another background check must be run and Virtus must be renewed via an online module, which is automatically assigned by Virtus.

All Archdiocese of Atlanta Safe Environment policies and procedures can be found here: environment/policies-and-procedu 



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