Memorial Garden and Columbarium

Memorial Garden and Columbarium

Dedication and Blessing  of St. Oliver's Memorial Garden & Columbarium by Archbishop Wilton Gregory

May 13, 2017

What is a Columbarium?

Since the earliest days of the church the practice of burying the deceased remains near the church has been desirable because of the full cycle of life expressed in the church community.

Customarily, the remains are taken to their place of rest immediately following the funeral or memorial service for internment.

A COLUMBARIUM/Memorial Garden at St. Oliver's now provides this option.

What is a Columbarium?
A columbarium is a granite structure that is located on church grounds. An arrangement of openings in the structure is where an urn with the deceased ashes is placed for permanent memorial. These openings typically measure twelve by twelve by twelve inches and are called Niches.

What is the cost of a Niche?
Applications for internment in our Columbarium are located in the church office, through our Business Manager, Anne Adair. You can reach her at 770.979.2500 x29. Contact Pat for Memorial Garden/Columbarium fees.

St. Oliver's Memorial Garden

The St. Oliver Memorial Garden is a sacred resting place, a place at home in our beloved community and Church. Our Memorial Garden offers a very peaceful place for you to come and pray for your loved one. 

Perpetual Care: The Code of Canon Law requires the Catholic Church to perpetually maintain its places of burial, hence, care will always be guaranteed.

Security: The Memorial Garden is located on a well-lighted Church grounds assuring optimum security at all times.

If you are interested in reserving a niche or would like additional information, you can contact the Business Manager at 770-979-2500 x. 29

Blessing and dedication of Phase 2 on Novemer 2, 2023 by

Fr. Cyriac Mattahilanickal, M.S.

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