St. Oliver's African Catholic Community
The main goal of this organization is to promote fellowship and support for one another. This group meets on a regular basis throughout the year usually following the 11:15am mass on a Sunday during the month. We occastionally sponsor events to enlighten and enrich the lives of all parishioners.
Jude Chima at if you are interested in more information or meeting dates.
The Aftrican Catholic Community meets on the 4th Sunday of the month in the media Center from 1:00pm to 3:00pm for fellowship.
Members provide a weekly service each Friday morning after the 9:00a.m liturgy. They complement our regular cleaning service, preparing our Sanctuary for weekend liturgies. Members dust, change altar linens, wash and prepare vessels and care for plants and greenery in the church and Narthex. Volunteers are also needed to wash and iron altar linens at home.
EMHC's are privileged, along with our priests and deacons, to distribute Holy Communion during the celebration of the Mass. EMHC's must be 16 years old and have celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. For more informaiton contact Ray Prosek at
Parishioners who help with preparation and serving at funeral receptions. This is a flexible ministry, as we don’t know when the need will arise. Friends of Martha members arrive prior to the reception to prepare the hall for the reception and stay through clean-up following the event.
Parishioners interested in participating in this compassionate ministry can contact Dianne Lux at
Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. We know it hurts, and we want to help. Thursday mornings, 10:00 - 11:30am at the JPII Center. For more information contact Linda Hedges at 770-979-9229.
Información General ministerio Hispano
Bautismos Requisitos: Estar inscritos en la Parroquia y asistiendo a Misa. La clase de Bautismo es el primer lunes del mes a las 7:00pm en el Salón de Juan Pablo. Para información llamar al Ministerio Hispano al 770 979-2500 ext. 40.
Matrimonio Requisitos: Estar inscrito en la Parroquia. Comunicarse con el Sacerdote o Diácono para la documentación requerida y preparación. "Los preparativos deben hacerse con el sacerdote o el Diácono con por lo menos de 6 meses de anticipación a la fecha de la boda."
Confesiones: Domingos antes de la Misa a las 12:00pm, o por cita previa.
Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Llamar a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa al 770 978-6751.
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos: Preparación de adultos, mayores de 18 años, para recibir los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Confirmación y Eucaristía. Para información llamar a Jaime Sevilla 770- 979-2500 ext. 40.
Grupo de Oración Carismático: Se reúne los Viernes a las 8:00pm Life Teen Center. Coordinador, Efrain Casarrubias, 404.957.1363.
Escuela de la Cruz
La Escuela de la Cruz es una manera de vivir y trabajar cristianamente, ordenada a la evangelización y a hacer, en quien ha sido evangelizado, una adhesión de corazón a las verdades de nuestra fe. El grupo se reune los viernes a las 7:00pm en el Salón 17 y 18. Persona contacto: Lionel Cruz 404 396- 4582.
Cursillos de Cristiandad: Los Cursillistas se reúnen los viernes a las 7:00pm en el Salón #22. Contacto, Rosa y Arturo Esquivel 678.420.8373.
Apóstoles de la Palabra: El grupo se reúne los viernes a las 7: 30pm en el Salón #25. Contacto Sergio Guzmán 770.905.1450.
BIENVENIDOS Se reúnen los sábados a las7:00pm en los salones #17-18. Para más información llamar a: Rosie Cruz 404-429-3758 o a Nicolas Rendón 678-598- 4726.
Coro Misa: Ensayos martes 7:00pm y domingos 11:15am. Director Elmer Menjivar 770 309-5415.
Movimiento Pro Vida e Imagen Virgen de Guadalupe: Contacto Elena Porres 770.979.6349.
Cenáculo de Oración LaSalette: Oremos por todas nuestras necesidades particulares y las del mundo. Unete a este grupo de intersección los viernes a las 10:00am en la Casa de LaSalette frente a la Iglesia. Contacto: TBA
Imagen Virgen de Schoenstatt: Graciela Guzman 770.905.1450
CLASE PRE-BAUTISMAL Se invita a los padres que deseen bautizar en su Parroquia de San Oliver Plunkett, a que asistan a la plática pre-bautismal cada primer sábado del mes, de 9:30 am a 1:00 pm. Para más información, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano, Tel. (770) 979-2500 Ext. 40
RICA Si eres mayor de 18 años y no has recibido ninguno de los siguientes sacramentos: Bautismo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación; comunícate a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano o con algunos de los líderes de la Parroquia, estaremos encantados de poder ayudarte. Están abiertas ya las registraciones para el RICA.
CATECISMO Ya están abiertas las registraciones para el Catecismo, desde Pre-K hasta el 12. Así como también la Escuela Bíblica de Verano. Mayores informes, llama a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa.
CLASES DE BIBLIA ¿Quieres aprender sobre la Biblia? Te invitamos a las clases todos los lunes de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Mayores informes en la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano
CURSO DE CRISTOLOGIA ¿Te fascina la figura de Jesucristo? Si es así, ven a nuestras la clases los días martes de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Te esperamos
CLASES DE Ingles Como Segundo Idioma Lunes 7-8:30pm a partir del 12 de septiembre. Reúnase en el Salón 22
Our Mission: We invite families to move beyond a Sunday obligation to build a life of faith. We seek to embolden families to become pillars of the church by building a community of discussion and prayer where families can come as they are – screaming children and all.
To be added to the e-mail list, e-mail Michael at
A faith formation opportunity for participants to delve into what it means to live a La Salette lifestyle. This small group meets on the first Thursday of the month for prayer and study as it deepens its knowledge of the La Salette message. Contact Linda Urquhart at for more information.
The St. Oliver' Plunkett Catholic Church Men's Club is dedicated to providing opportunties for spiritual growth, social interatction and financial support to our parish ministries. All men of the church are welcome
Meetings are the first Monday of the month at 6:30pm in the Kane Beltran Center.
Contact Humberto Guzman at
My Brother’s Freezer is a meat distribution program that operates in conjunction with the St. Oliver Plunkett conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We obtain our supplies at minimal cost from the main SVdP office in Chamblee which picks up inventory from various grocery chains around the Atlanta area. The meat is frozen prior to its expiration date to maintain freshness. Our inventory is rotated frequently and seldom is any product in our freezers more than 30 days.
After assessing needs, the SVdP case workers give their clients a referral form allowing them to come into My Brother’s Freezer for a specified period of trips. We are located in the garage area of the Adult Education house next to the church and are open twice a week for an hour. The quantity distributed to each client is determined by the number of residents in their household as noted on the referral form and we try to give each person a variety of products.
If you are a St. Vincent de Paul member and would like to volunteer host on either Thursday evening from 6:00pm-8:00pm, or Saturday morning 9:00am to 11:00am, please click here to sign-up.
Thank you for your help.
For more information or to volunteer please contact Rick Nerone via e-mail at or call the St. Vincent line at church 770-979-2500 ext 25.
The Newcomers Committee welcomes newly registered parishioners to St. Oliver's with a brunch and a meet and greet every quarter. For more information contact Cathy Hedges at
Volunteers count the weekly contributions on Monday mornings. If you are detailed oriented, and enjoy working with numbers and using a calculator, you may be just right for this stewardship opportunity. If you are interested, please contact Anne Adair, St. Oliver's Business Manager at 770.979.2500 x29.
If you would enjoy interacting with parishioners and visitors to St. Oliver's and answering the phone, we would appreciate your help in our front office. You can choose to be on a regular weekly rotation or on our "as needed" list for filling in the weekly rotation or being called for special data entry or mailing projects. Computer knowledge is a bonus! If you are interested in participating as an office volunteer, please contact Kathy Fromme', Church Secretary, at 770.979.2500 x30.
WE are encouraged to pray and act in order to serve the people of God in support of a culture of LIFE. Contact Mary Hayes at 770-853-1756 or email
St. Oliver's collects non-perishable food items on the last weekend of the month. Items may be placed in the Mercy Closet outside the Kane-Beltran center
During the months of November through March, the Shelter Ministry assists in serving meals and/or volunteering overnight in staffing the Central/Bashor Men's Shelter in Downtown Atlanta. All dates will be on Saturdays. If you are interested in assisting with this ministry, contact Bill Hedges at 404-502-0264 or
Our Method
Listen | Befriend | Proclaim | Invite
St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE) is a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking the Catholic Faith to the streets. Christ’s call to evangelize was made to every Catholic Christian. As an on-the-street Catholic evangelization organization, St. Paul Street Evangelization provides an avenue for people to share the Person of Jesus Christ and the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith with a hungry culture.
Our mission: The proclamation of the gospel in the public square.
Contact Ray Prosek
The most basic activity of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is connecting (in person or via phone) with a person or family requesting assistance with such things a food, rent, transportation, medical bills, utilities and clothing. The works of the Society are supported by donations collected the last Sunday of each month. We meet regularly on the second Monday of each month at 7:00pm. Training is provided for all new Vincentians. The time commitment is four to fie hours per month, depending on your schedule. Contact Barbara Stone for more information at
Vocations are integral to the life of the Church. The vocation of marriage produces religious vocations, and religious vocations are the human means for the entry point of all Catholics into a grace-filled sacramental life. Fostering strong and courageous vocations in the modern world is the lifeblood of the future of the Church.
The purpose of the Vocation Ministry is to promote and encourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life among our parish community. We will work to encourage families to promote vocations as we create an environment that fosters and encourages it. Finally, we will support and honor those priests and religious leaders already working in their vocation, most especially our parish priests.