Parish History

Parish History

Humble Beginnings

On March 15, 1978, The Georgia Bulletin announces the establishment of anew parish in Snellville. On Thursday, April 13th Fr. Terence Kane is appointed pastor. The Archdiocese of Atlanta purchases 10.28 acres of land, and on Father's Day, June 18, 1978, approximately 350 Catholics celebrate together their first Sunday Mass. Archbishop Thomas A Donnellan arrives on June 25th to officially install Fr. Kane.

A rectory is purchased at 1318 Summit Chase Drive, where all daily masses and meetings are held over the next three years. In 1979 plans for the 14,000 square foot parish complex are conceived and in 1980, groundbreaking ceremonies are held. on June 21st, the third anniversary as a parish, Archbishop Donnellan dedicates the new church. As the parish continues to grow in size and spirit, the staff is enhanced by the ordination of Rev. Mr. John Cicala, Sr. as Deacon in 1984, and Fr. Kane is transferred as Fr. Joseph Beltran becomes the new pastor.

Growing Through Change

St. Oliver's has grown and flourished through the years. We enjoy a diversified congregation eager to share their faith and cultural traditions. A wide range of faith enrichment opportunities are available for all ages, including small faith communities for adults and vibrant youth and teen programs. Service would be the one word that best describes our community; service to one another and to the community through our many ministries and our desire to live out our Catholic faith. With open arms and hearts, all are welcome at St. Oliver's.

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