Religious Education

Religious Education

As a community of faith, we are called to evangelize and catechize the young people and adults of our parish. Catechesis is essential to every liturgical and sacramental action of faith. The goal is to offer catechesis in a comprehensive manner that includes knowledge and formation for all.

"School ages children should receive formal and systematic catechesis in a parish based catechetical program in which the content of the faith and experience of Christian life is presented authentically and completely." (National Directory for Catechesis)

We offer Religious Education classes for children in grades Pre-K through High School. Our Pre-K - 5th grade program is ROOTS, our middle school, grades 6th through 8th is EDGE, our high school program, grades 9th through 12th is Life Teen.

First Communion and ROOTS: Contact Aimee Tolmich 770-978-6751 x27, or email

EDGE and Life Teen: Contact Amy Hardin 770-978-6751 x43, or email at

Confirmation: Contact Brian Christopherson 770-978-6751 x26, or email

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